Ordering PC Boards
Above are the front and back shots of the PC boards that you should expect to see when ordered from ExpressPCB. I was very pleased with the price and quality.
I chose the current board footprint based on ExpressPCBs "MiniBoard" option that provides 3 fine quality PC boards at a reasonable price. ExpressPCB has a few options for the "MiniBoard" so order accordingly.
Be aware that if a user decides to change the PC board size to something other then their "MiniBoard" size, then be prepared to get your wallet out. If memory serves I think that I might have had to pay a small additional fee for having so many feed through "Vias" but I do not remember it being a lot.
NOTE: It must be stated that the PC board pictured above is an older revision of the TinyCNC-II PCB and is missing an important ground trace that was added to the latest revision. All PCB files available on this site have this oversight corrected.
The layout displayed above has the missing ground trace, previously mentioned, corrected. (Additional ground trace is located below R54, behind the 33 Volt Zener Diode)
The schematic above shows a PIC18F6720 processor being used but the project currently uses a PIC18F6722. Both processors are electrically compatible.
When ready to order the PCBs just follow the instructions and fill in the blanks. the final cost of the 3 using the "Mini-Board" option will be displayed and then you can place your order.
NOTE: I blanked out my information.
The link below provides for the download of the "native" ExpressPCB files that I generated. If you use ExpressPCBs online ordering then use the "TinyCNC-II.pcb" & "TinyCNC-II.sch" files. ExpressPCBs software will use these files to generate the files that are uploaded to their website. I also have included the exported ExpressPCB Gerber files for manual ordering if needed.
If you wish to download a copy of the TinyCNC-II PC Board files then please select the "Pop-out" icon in the upper right hand corner of the displayed PC Board files that are desired to open a separate download page. Next select the "Download" icon in the upper right hand corner of the displayed webpage. Once download has been completed you can close this download page.

The link below provides for the download of standard Gerber format files of the TinyCNC-II PCBs that I had a 3rd party create for me. This is to give the user the ability to manufacture the TinyCNC-II boards by a vendor other then ExpressPCB.
If you wish to download a copy of the TinyCNC-II PC Board files then please select the "Pop-out" icon in the upper right hand corner of the displayed PC Board files that are desired to open a separate download page. Next select the "Download" icon in the upper right hand corner of the displayed webpage. Once download has been completed you can close this download page.
